
Experiential Learning Week Events - November 26th

Thunder Bay   

Awarding lunch for winning co-op employer

Four County LMB   

JDSS – The students in the new Information and Communication Technology (ICT)SHSM program will be participating in a competition to design a logo for the Skills Opportunity Showcase (SOS) Trailer. The Four County Labour Market Planning Board, Passport to Prosperity and the SOS team will sponsor this competition with three small bursaries for 1st, 2nd& 3rd.   The winners will be announced at JDSS on this day. The SOS Trailer will be on-site to highlight careers in the ICT and Automotive areas.  Walkerton District SS - Guest speaker, Jacqui Laporte from OMFRA  topic is Environmental Farm Plans and Biomass and Food.

Renfrew County   

Partnering to Articulate for Student Success (PASS) - local committee will be hosting a one-day tour for educators to visit Green Energy employers and businesses in recognition of the new Green Energy SHSM in Renfrew County