Attain and Sustain
We will become a leader within Canada for setting the education to workplace agenda. Part of driving this vision will be becoming a catalyst for education innovation, information sharing and idea generation. Operating in-between organizations, CBEP will play a shaping role in driving the world’s best talent pool, while exploring the connections that government and industry must embrace. Helping to connect various levels of government and organizations, CBEP will ultimately work to develop a sustainable funding model that builds on this vital role.
- Explore industry needs for talent
- Become a magnet for education, government and industry
- Play the role of catalyst for innovation, information sharing and idea generation
- Create a digital platform for idea sharing globally
- Establish national and international ties with other education industry organizations and institutes
- Engage at all levels of government
Listen, Learn and Lead
CBEP is in the business of system integration. With this in mind, we will need to build a bigger network of system players. Part of this strategy will be to release interesting and relevant information that CBEP gathers through new research projects built on synergistic partnerships established in the network. Taking steps toward becoming a progressive education think-tank, known both nationally and internationally, CBEP will be an organization that is positioned to lead within the education to employment system.
- Educate and be educated
- Establish research partnerships
- Research and share global best practices
- Develop an advocacy role for experiential learning
Create Career Empowerment
When we read about today’s generation entering the workforce, the articles and stories seem grim. Youth unemployment is hovering at 14% roughly double the average for all age groups and nearly a million young Canadians are out of work according to a Statistics Canada release published May 2012. It is imperative that CBEP play a significant role in helping youth to realize the future they imagine. It is not by chance that imagination is part of the title of this strategy—we must dream about a future where the career goals of Canadian’s are realized, where everyone, in every province or territory feel ownership of their career and have the tools at their disposal to find mentorship, guidance and prosperity.
- Develop mentorship network to support career exploration
- Inspire youth to create their future through relevant and reliable industry guidance
- Foster career ownership at a young age, provide opportunities to make informed education and career/life choices
- Connect students throughout Canada to relevant training and education
Be a Trailblazer
Education is tied to government. To be successful, CBEP needs to become a trailblazer within the system and be seen by all network players as the “go-to” organization to help them advocate, learn and partner. To establish new system integrations, it is of utmost importance that CBEP builds on the work being done in the Listen, Learn and Lead direction and ensures that the work is agenda-setting, not just interesting. It is a tough road to become a true trailblazer. Finding advocates and supporters who can help the organization grow will be critical. Exploring the skill mix of the Board and attracting talent who can help drive forward will be key.
- Government recognizes and values CBEP’s integrator role in education to employment system
- CBEP establishes relationships within all parts government to ensure dialogue includes developing or expanding programs bringing education or skills training within the reach of all Canadian youth
- System players, like industry, know CBEP and look to our organization for action
- Establish new relationships to help drive CBEP’s mission to sustain and grow Canada’s global competitiveness and economic prosperity